Thursday, January 21, 2016

Nexus 6P User Review

Part of what makes the Nexus 6P so great is the $499 price tag. You're better off applying $750 (at the time of this review) to an iPhone 6s Plus or a Note 5 if you're OK spending that money. No need to reward scalping, Google will be replenishing the models on the store soon enough.
  • All-metal design Unlocked, LTE smartphone with a powerful 2GHz Snapdragon 810 V2.1 Processor and the newest Android software, Android 6.0 marshmallow.
  • A 5.7-Inch, high-resolution wqhd AMOLED display and front-facing stereo speakers to experience your photos and videos in cinematic Quality.
  • The powerful 12 MP Camera was built to capture your world in true-to-life detail. Larger 1.55 µM pixels absorb more light¹ in even the dimmest conditions to make your photos Brighter.
  • Quicker access and more security with a fingerprint sensor placed on the back to complement the way you naturally hold your Phone.
  • Long lasting 3,450 mAh battery with quick charging USB Type-C plug. it's reversible, so there's no more guessing which way is up.
I got this phone (the 128G version) after graduating from a Moto G (1st Gen). It was a toss up between this and the Moto X Pure (3rd Gen). Both had their pro's and cons. I ultimately went for this for the collection of features that mattered more to me. Its specs can be found all over the internet so I will focus on my impressions and observations of the phone.

This is highly subjective and for many people largely irrelevant. Most people slap their phone in a case. So what it's made out of and how it looks and feels is more a function of the case than the phone. For those who like to use it without a case there are plenty of observations and pictures. I thought it looked fine, slapped it in a case, stuck a screen protector on it and moved on to more important things.
With a 5.7 inch screen it is a large phone. Iphone 6+ class. I played with the iphone 6+ for a while and found I didn't mind the size so for me (glove size medium) the size was acceptable. With a slim case I can slip it into the pocket of my jeans without issue. Makes reading easier, movies more enjoyable.
It's pretty. Bright, excellent off angle viewing. Has a slight green tint to it, but in my experience tint varies from phone to phone. The pixel resolution is high so everything is crisp. Though probably overkill. At least for my eyes.

Twin front facing speakers. They are ok, don't mistake them for a good stereo system though. When I play tunes in the car its decent, though not as good as using the car stereo.

Call Quality
I use Tmobil as the carrier. Call quality is crisp, though perhaps a little high pitched compared to reality. Easy to understand but not audio realistic. Speakerphone works fine.

Data Quality

I live in a 4G LTE area so data speed is pretty good. Seems to get good reception, though this is more a function of the carrier than the phone. Speedtests vs the 3G Moto G showed 2-3x as fast.
General Speed
This is a tough one to measure but the general speed and lag when doing items. Switching between aps, opening them, closing them etc. Its powered by top of the line chips (as of 2015) and I have no real complaints. It's a big improvement over the moto G which could sometimes take up to 3 seconds to do something. Most of the time operations are instant or less than a second. Sometimes I will find a little lag if I've been using it a lot and flipping back and forth.
Heating up
There is a lot of concern about the Snapdragon 810's overheating and things slowing down. So far I haven't found that to be the case. On some occasions the phone will get slightly warm wheras my Moto-G would get warm enough to be nice on cold hands. I do run it with a fairly slim plastic case. So far heating is a non-issue.

Battery life
This phone has two personalities on battery life. If you have it in your pocket, move around, watch movies etc the battery life is nothing exceptional. It will get you through the day but you'll want to charge it at night. But if you leave it to idle (no movement at all) it goes into Doze mode (function of android 6.0 and some hardware optimization) which sips power. Overnight it will drop maybe 5%, maybe less. Android 6 has a good battery use graph you can look at and see. Its cool because you can almost match up what you were doing by the battery consumption.
Battery Charging
It comes with the nexus charger and a long (probably 3 foot) power cable. This long cable is only used for charging (both sides are the USB C tips so you can't plug it into a regular computer USB port). With the included charge it charges fast it will jump by 40% in around 20 minutes. Even the slower charging off that charger is more than 1%/minute. The downside is from what I've read its “fast charging” technology doesn't play will with other “quick charge” tech used by other phone makes. So if you want it fast you have to buy the rather expensive google fast chargers for now. If you use a non-OEM charger it still works fine, charges as fast (or faster) than other phones.
One gotcha on this is that it uses USB –C. This is a mixed bag. It means that the port is incompatible with 99% of what's currently out there as of 2015. This means bring your own cable (or adaptor). However USB-C is where the industry is supposed to go so a few years from now you will be mainstream and everyone else is going to be so 2014..
It does come with a short (9 inch) USB-C cable for hooking it up to your computer. When you do plug it in you have the option of what you would like it to do, charge, be a disk etc) got to remember to do that or all it does is recharge (no data transfer).
I ordered a couple of Micro-USB to USB-C adaptors and they seem to work. Plug them into the existing tips of my chargers to charge at work and in the car.
When googles chargers get more reasonably priced (and work on a 12v plug) I plan to get one for the car. With the rapid charge even plugging it in for a few minutes on errands will be enough to keep you going. But for now I'd avoid getting a new charger unless it explicitly claims it works with the 6p in fast charge mode.
Fingerprint Sensor
Something you never knew you'd miss till you had it. My wifes Iphone 6+ has one and it can be a bit flakey at times. This sensor has been pretty rock solid. The placement on the back is pretty good, its natural to reach for it when you pick the phone up. Just touch the sensor and it unlocks the phone, quick and easy, no PIN required. This is really a huge benefit. It saves a lot of time vs swiping around on the pad just to check something and integrates into the security settings. One of the really cool things about it vs the Iphone 6+ is the ability to store multiple fingers vs 1. So I have the index and middle finger of both hands. Being able to use the middle finger is huge because when you pick the phone off the desk and shift your fingers to the back its easier to use the longer middle finger than the index finger.
In addition to multiple finger you can have multiple users. So you can give someone else access by storing their fingers without having to give them your PIN.
This fingerprint unlock is especially useful at night when you wake from sleep and need to check something. You can unlock it with one hand vs having to hold it with one and swipe around with the other.
The sensor is fast and accurate, it's a tool not a toy.
FINALLY someone decided not to follow the megapixel trap and focus on quality. I do photography as a side job and have bemoaned the “more megapixels is better because it looks better on a spec sheet” for years. This phone as a 12MP main shooter on the back (which is PLENTY of MP for anything but the most specialized of zoom ins). Instead of more MP they used larger sensor points which if done right (and it has been done right) leads to higher quality images. So you get a better picture vs a muddy mess that you can blow up 50x to see just how lousy the image is. The sensor combined with a f2.0 lens gives you a lot of options. I got shots that were ISO 2000 F2 1/15 sec under a street light there were still very usable. Its really giving point and shoot cameras a run. Though newer PNS cameras can still beat it in terms of flexibility and image quality and ergonomics. Trying to take a picture one handed is tricky and will likely result in some camera shake. The lens is a fixed focal length of somewhere around 28mm. So it's got a fair amount wide angle distortion at the edges, but that's what you get with 28mm.
The laser assist focus is nice. Focal speed is fast and accurate, even in lower light.
I haven't used the flash that much but so far it looks pretty good. So taking pictures of your friends indoors should come out ok.
Within the google camera app you have some cool features. You can do a Panorama shoot. You can also do the photosphere. Think of it as shooting a 360 VR image. No idea of what software it takes to look at the image OFF the phone, but its cool.
I'm not a big video guy, but you've got the option of 720P, 1080P or HD4K. I've just played around with it but playback on the phone doesn't have any real difference between the resolutions chosen.
Another video option is high speed video, you can shoot at 120 FPS or 240 FPS. This means you can do some really cool slow motion stuff, though make sure you have lots of light, especially for the 240 FPS. Its not prime time quality slow motion video (those cameras run at 1-2K+/FPS. But it is fun to play with. When you are looking at the clip on the phone you can choose a lead in and lead out to play at “normal” speed and then the good parts of the clip in slow motion. These lead-in/lead-out settings do not extend to other applications though. If you upload or open it in another app the entire clip is slow-motion.
A computer is only as good as its software. This comes with Android 6.0 Marshmallow which is pretty slick. I used Kit-Kat (4.x) for years and I have to say I like 6.x better. 6.x can do a lot of cool stuff, but it can do that on just about any phone its on so its not unique to the nexus. What is nice about the nexus is that its pure and clean, no skinning, no extra bloatware or other carrier/manufacturer “improvements”. This was one of the selling points of the Moto – G/X is that they had minimal extras and some of those extras where actually pretty cool. Many of those features have been incorporated into 6.0 and the Nexus.
Full time Google Now
Train it and you can say “Ok Google” or some other phrase and it pulls up a google search or a number of other commands. Useful for sending a text message while driving. Alas it doesn't read the texts you get like the Motorola did. The thing about the Nexus is that this feature can be turned on full time. You don't have to be at a home screen. You can wake up in the middle of the night with the phone locked in doze mode and say “OK Google, what time is it” without having to open your eyes. Google now has increasingly tight integration with other google apps. Both the Motorola and the nexus phones have a processor optimized to handle this full time awareness with little battery cost. The commands are keyed to your voice so your kids are not going to get away with yelling “OK Google, play Death Metal” just as you walk into the dentist. Accuracy is pretty good though not perfect.
Android Pay
The phone has near field communication so you can hook up android pay and use it to pay at some credit card terminals. NOTE: No all Credit Cards can be used with android pay, only some banks support it.
Fingerprint unlock to buy – Buy something on the google store and you can use your fingerprint to supply the password for the purchase. That's slick. Maybe other shopping places (amazon, hint…hint…hint..) will pick this up.
While in sleep mode if you get a notification it will bubble up and then go away. You can still have the blinking notification light which now has multiple color options. Alas the notification detail does not continue to pulse like on the moto x. It doesn't come up again if you put your hand over the phone like the X. But if you pick the phone up (detects a movement pattern) it will come up again. Hats off to Motorola for perfecting this feature where the nexus is playing catch up.
Carrier Choice – I use it on T-mobile, but I could move over to Verizon or Sprint or ATT and not have to get a new phone. One phone to use them all.
There are of course lots of other cool features for Android 6.0 that I'm still discovering. But these are the key ones that are tied into the Nexus.
There are a few negatives about this phone, though they are not unique to the nexus.
Memory – There is no card slot like on the Motorola's. Result, memory is fixed. Consequently I sprang for the 128G model (which came with about 111mb actual free space). This was one area the Moto-X excelled in. I wanted to keep a lot of pictures and music on the phone and not regret buying the cheaper phone with less storage a few years from now. Yes I know it's a rip off (it only costs them a few bucks more to put that extra ram in but they charge big $) but it makes the phone functional for what I need now and in the future.
Battery – Not user replaceable. Someone on Youtube did a tear down and getting at the battery was in the “don't even think about it” category unless you work on electronics and have specialized tools. I had to accept that two years from now I'm going to be shelling out another $70+ to get my battery life back.
Price – Not really a pro or a con but an observation. Its about $150 more than a Moto-X and $150 less than a top end Samsung. But if you look at the total cost of ownership combined with how much use you get out of a phone these price differences are minor. A smart phone plan can run you $50/month, many run $80. Even at $50 over two years that's $1200. Add another $500 “base” cost for a good phone and $150 becomes less than a 10% price difference. Now take that $150 more and divide it by how much use you get out of the phone (how many hours). Even if you only use your phone actively for an hour a day over 2 years your looking at a 20 cent an hour difference in cost. If you use it more or it lasts 3 vs two that cost drops to pennies and hour. Don't be scared off by the initial price, think about what utility your buying in the long term.
This is a great phone. Maybe I'm biased because its my first “flagship” phone. It has great features both hardware and software. I don't find the size to be problematic. I love the full time Google now and wouldn't want to live without a fingerprint sensor. The camera is great for a phone, though it's no SLR replacement. A worthy buy.
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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge User Review

The groundbreaking Samsung Galaxy S6 edge is where power and beauty unite. The curved edges inform you when favorite contacts call or message. Beneath a sleek design lies the fast octa-core processor. Capture the brilliance of any moment with the ultra-responsive camera and relive it on the 5.1-inch Quad HD Super AMOLED display. The Galaxy S6 edge comes in 32GB, 64GB, or 128GB and is available in Black Sapphire, White Pearl, and Gold Platinum.
  • Easily hold, text, call, and more with its stunning metal bezel, sophisticated glass, and two revolutionary edge screens.
  • Watch images and videos come to life on the 5.1" Quad HD Super AMOLED®display, even in sunlight.
  • Work, watch, and game at blazing-fast speeds.
  • Capture amazing photos with the fast-focus camera and take epic wide-angle selfies.
  • Use Ultra Power Saving Mode,1 Fast Charging,2 or wireless charging3 to extend your smartphone’s battery life when it's running low.
I don't know what some of these negative comments are talking about. No this isn't a scam, I received the g925F not the I (the F for international, the I for the India version. Although both have the EXACT same specs.) and the box doesn't have extra letters.... I must say, being a die hard iOS girl, that this is a nice phone. The screen is beautiful, it's android so you have to know it's not as simple (they have a toggle for a simpler version which I have yet to try), it's very presonisable. I was able to easily connect to my iPhone and transfer everything over, and when I say everything I mean everything! They matched my apps and if they didn't have the exact one they found one that was similer, freaking great option. Now for the people complain about battery life? WELCOME to the smart phone world, you wanted a mini TV screen that can multitask and be able to power a s*** ton of apps and keep up with what everyone is doing on facebook, twitter, myspace, tumbr and IG then yes the battery's suck. When you first get this phone you are going to sit there and program it to death, tweak everything to your liking. So the first week yeah your battery life is going to suck even more than normal. So androids I don't care which one has a s*** ton of apps that stay on in the back ground. So the apps with the screen saps your battery. So now you have two ways to fix this: a. Figure out to how to toggle all the apps from running in the background yourself which means you have to check up on them, or b. Download a app that does that exact thing for you such as juice defender or such like (no it doesn't turn off your fb no worries your gossip will come to you). Now with that being said the battery life and the way the phone is built has nothing to do with this seller. Why are you rating someone a horrible rate when it wasn't them who built the phone in their backyard?
I just moved from the Galaxy Note 3 to the S6 Edge so my review is colored by that comparison. This wasn't the unqualified success I'd hoped for.
The Good:
  • Cool factor. The edge screen is eye catching and a popular topic of discussion
  • Size. My Note 3 Phablet was too big. The S6 has a large screen but can be easily one-handed.
  • Speed. Generally speaking the phone is fast and responsive
  • Wireless charging. This built-in feature is by far my favorite upgrade. I have a charging pad on my nightstand and I can just lay the phone down to charge. If I need to read it during the night I'm not wrestling with wires.
  • Screen resolution. Insanely sharp and bright. The increased pixel density isn't necessarily noticable with the naked eye but I am a VR enthusiast and I can see a significant improvement when using Google Cardboard. I'm looking forward to getting the Samsung VR helmet later this year.
The Bad:
  • Battery life - even with moderate use I have to charge once or twice during the day.
  • Hesitation - I use the same suite of apps as I did on my Note 3 but the S6 will hang up for no discernable reason where the Note 3 didn't. This is especally odd given the S6 processor upgrade.
  • Hand Feel - the edge feels like a fragile bird in my hand. The power and volume buttons are way to easy to press and the thin edge feels fragile. The cover I bought has considerably improved this situation.
  • Constantly waking up unbidden like an attention starved toddler. I'm not talking about bumping the power button. I'm talking about spontaneous wake up due to lord knows what - proxity to another phone, the power of my Aura when its in my pocket, a sideways glance. Its very frustrating and probably a big contributor to my battery life issues. I'm still looking for the "shut the heck up until I call for you" setting but so far no luck. I've never owned such a touchy smart phone.
  • The curved screen has some downsides. It warps the edge of images and some apps are hard to navigate if a control is near the edge.Overall I wish I'd bought the regular S6.
Don't mistake me. This is a very good smart phone. But there are some downsides to consider before getting swept up in the cool factor like I did. Probably deserves 4 stars but nobody reads those reviews.
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Friday, January 15, 2016

Galaxy J7 Aluminum Bumper Case Back Cover

Aluminum Bumper Case Back Cover for Samsung Galaxy J7
I am always looking for unique cases and the Roybens case is that. This case is a 2 piece .. An adjustable bumper with matching back plate . If you like the Rose Gold Color of the new IPhone 6 but at time could not afford to upgrade this set could be an affordable option. This bumper plate turned an ordinary white Galaxy J7 into an awesome looking Galaxy J7. I cannot attest to a drop test it but I already have a glass tempered screen protector on . I really like this set and I purchased this at a discount in exchange for an unbiased review .
Galaxy J7 Case, Roybens Luxury Air Aluminum Metal Bumper Detachable + Mirror Hard Back Case ,2 in 1 cover ,Ultra Thin Frame with Stylish Designs for Samsung Galaxy J7
There're two parts of the case: Luxury Air Aluminum Metal Bumper + Flexible Plastic Back (Two in One). Comfortable, lightweight, sleek design that protects without adding bulk. Provides a comfortable grip,added protection of corners against accidental drops. Precisely cut openings allow easy access to all functions.
The Bumper is detachable and it's easy to snap on/off, which can protect your phone from scratching. Drawer-type structural design makes your Phone to be only fashion, and bring you unforgettable experience. It Perfectly matches with your Phone's shape, Easy to use, light weight, Elegant construction and stitching. Slim but tough. It is designed to meet or exceed military standards. Simply snap the case onto your phone for solid protection and direct access to all device features.
I got the rose gold cover. I chose to disregard the back piece and instead I got a tempered glass case so that I've essentially created a 100% protective case is minimally intrusive. However, the mirrored rose gold looks very cheesy with the gold Galaxy J7. The I phone itself is a mat-gold color and it contrasts with the mirrored gold case. Additionally, the rose gold is a different color altogether. I would not suggest it for anyone with a gold I phone.
Overall, I love the case. The downside is that after a while the back gets scratched pretty easily but it isn't that noticable. Also this case isn't a whole case it's a 3 part cae but it's still an incredible case. Btw, I've dropped my phone numerous times with this case and my phone hasn't cracked.
The Aluminum Bumper Case Back Cover for Samsung Galaxy J7 is available at Order today and we guarantee to ship your order out tomorrow. Brought to you by the leader in wholesale cell phone accessories

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus User Reviews

I owned (briefly) the original Galaxy Note several years back when I worked in between gigs for an AT&T authorized retailer. At first I wasn't sure if I'd like such a large phone, but man did I ever come around. I haven't purchased a phone with less than a 5" screen since. I'm not going back. As phones become more and more capable, the reasons for larger screens become more apparent, and nobody makes screens better than Samsung. NOBODY.
First off, I went back and forth over whether or not I wanted the Note 5 vs the Edge+ for quite some time. I finally settled on the Edge simply for the "wow" factor, for which this phone has LOADS. The gold edition is just wicked cool. The build quality equals anything iPhones have ever manufactured. I'll stipulate that iPhones have always done a great job of build quality. But I don't dislike plastics on a phone either. What I want more than a super sleek device which "looks" nice is one that will actually do what I want it to do. While working for AT&T, almost daily we had iPhone 4 and 4S phones come in with cracked screens. It seemed to be the most prone to those types of issues of any device ever manufactured at that point (the Nexus 4 wasn't far behind for ease of breaking, too). I'm sure the Edge is better manufactured than either of those, but still, it isn't impervious to accidents, so a case is absolutely critical no matter WHICH smart phone you buy. I went with the Tech 21 case that is a dirty, almost see-thru, which covers up the majority of the gold, but you gotta sacrifice a little if you want to protect your new product from the eventual spills it will take at some point no matter how careful you may be.
No phone is perfect, and the Edge+ is no different. Picking it up with the super slim bezels on the side can be tricky, but you get used to it. Those who have a major issue with this need to get over it. You bought a phone that has a pretty nifty feature that allows for just this kind of thing, deal with it. Coming from the LG G3 this phone is about the same width, but noticeably taller. I became rather adept at learning to use it one-handed after some initial period of figuring it out, so it isn't that big of a deal for me, after all, I knew what I was getting into. However, if you are coming from a phone with a screen smaller than 5" you're going to want to go into a store and handle one in person FIRST, because if you have tiny hands, this is going to be akin to operate a 7" tablet for many. Be aware of what you are getting first so you don't have any surprises after you get home and become frustrated that your new purchase is too damn big.
The screen is magnificent. That's all there is to it. I've heard and watched all the YouTube videos touting this or that and how the iPhone 6+ has a higher brightness scale or whatnot, but in the end, what matters is what you SEE with your own eyes. This screen is amazing, pure and simple. Over 100 pixels per inch MORE than the iPhone 6+, and you can tell. That isn't to say that the iPhone screen isn't great as well, it just doesn't have the "wow" factor that this one does I don't care WHAT anyone says.
Let me say I have been disappointed in the battery life right up front. The G3 had impressive battery consumption, especially compared to my older Nexus 4 which had abysmal battery life from the get-go. With all of Samsung's claims about optimization and whatnot with its newer and faster processor, I expected the battery life to be at the very least as good as the older G3. I'm sorry to say it does not. I'd say that the Edge+ is a good 10-15% worse (that isn't scientific mind you, just a guess, but it IS worse I can assure you). On the flip side the quick charging and ability to use wireless charging IS a nice way to side step this issue, but clearly Samsung focused on form over function when it came to this particular model of phone. I keep hearing that Samsung is "possibly" going with a 4K screen within the next year...please, PLEASE don't! You honestly don't NEED a screen with any more than the QHD displays we already have...especially with the battery life we currently have. I haven't spoken with ANYONE who'd sacrifice battery life for screen quality, and I sure hope Samsung is listening. Unless and until they can dramatically increase battery life, going with anything above and beyond QHD is utterly a waste of time IMO.
With Samsung's newest chips, I expected the Edge+ to be screamingly fast. In most ways, it is. However when I checked the RAM usage, I was shocked to see that 81% of the RAM--which is 4 freakin' gigs by the way--was being taxed. This is Androids BIGGEST problem in my opinion. How can they NOT make a phone that doesn't automatically turn on apps without you asking it to after all these years? When I close off the apps, I would dearly love them to not use up precious RAM from that point forward til I want to use that app again. I know some apps run in the background for obvious reasons like G-Mail, but I don't need my game of Solitaire to be open and ready at a moments notice now do I? If Android could figure this problem out, no iPhone could ever catch it. But unfortunately that isn't today.
In most ways I love the phone. The speaker phone on the bottom is a noticeable improvement over the one on the back of my old G3, and not that it wasn't good, but the placement left a lot to be desired. Front facing is almost ideal, except for the times you have your phone set down face first. On the bottom is about as perfect as you can get without it being covered accidentally because of how you place it down. They copied apple in this, and I agree it was a copy worth making.
I'm not a huge fan of TouchWhiz, and I seriously considered not going with this phone specifically for this reason. Yes, I know that since the introduction of the GS6 and the GS6 Edge that its been toned way down, but in my opinion, not nearly enough. Samsung, for all its cool and nifty things that their phones can do that others cannot (and lets be honest, NO phone comes with as many bells and whistles as Samsung crams into theirs, but unfortunately, the vast majority of which are entirely gimmicky at best) still hasn't figured out how to optimize their own OS so their incredible processors have to be so much more powerful than apple's simply to make up for all the glitches it tends to foster. Come ON guys, figure it out. If you optimized your devices even HALF as well as apple does, your phones would slaughter theirs on every conceivable scale known to man. With that said, I'm much happier with this version of TouchWhiz than what I experienced when I had the original Note. Some things are great and intuitive, some are buried so deep in the settings menu's that you almost have to Google How To video's in order to discover what your phone is capable of.
One thing I saw before I bought my phone was that the Edge+ had an Auto Restart feature (FINALLY!). Something my 9 year old Blackberry used to have and I used regularly. Unfortunately, the version I have didn't come with it (T-Mobile) and I'm wondering why? Its a feature that Android really ought to put in as standard as it helps to make your device run smoother when you restart your phone on at least a semi regular basis. I gotta say I'm a bit disappointed it was left out of the software on my phone.
The Camera is nothing short of stellar. Before I bought my phone I did a ton of research, and it was down to the LG G4 and the Note 5/Edge+ for best Camera on a mobile device...until I saw a quick look at the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, and they bumped their Camera's up to 13MP and without even TESTING them, the horribly biased reviewer automatically claimed them to be the best new Camera's on the market today. Now I'm not going to say they are or not, but I just find it interesting that without even getting to test one this reviewer online chose the iPhone as the new champ. Sheesh. How stupid. Let's get some hands on experience and THEN make your claims, okay? Until then, the Camera on this phone is wicked fast, takes unbelievable pictures as well as video. I just wish the OIS feature was also there for 4K recording. Since I don't have anything to watch the video on in 4K, I don't even use that feature. I'm big on taking lots of photos, so this was another HUGE selling point for me. Love the new features, too. I'm interested to really try out the Pro and Raw photo abilities to see how it stacks up. VERY excited to see my photos from here on out take a noticeable bump in quality.
The fingerprint scanner works--at least so far--flawlessly. I was worried that it would have the glitches of the S5, but I'm happy to say it works, and does so reliably so. I must say it takes a bit to scan your finger into the phone--at first. But TRUST me, the reason why is so you can hold your finger even at odd angles or as I've discovered, even sideways and it will still work. Unlike the S5 where you had to slide your finger across, this one you simply hold it in place and it very quickly unlocks the phone. I have seen it open faster, and sometimes slower than the iPhone--but I have also seen this same reaction from the iPhone. But the truth is it always unlocks pretty quickly.
One of my few gripes with my old G3 was that you would unlock the phone, but couldn't do a single thing until the Android on-screen keys appeared FIRST. It didn't bother me--at first--but it just slowly ate at me until the last several months it bugged me horribly. I have since tested the G4 and noticed that the keys appeared much quicker, almost immediately, compared with the G3, which sometimes took as long as 3 seconds. Yes, I know 3 seconds isn't long, but it seemed like an eternity on occasion trust me. The Edge+ has NONE of that lag, though if I'm being honest, I imagine it will show up eventually as I fill up the memory more and more. However, so far I am also happy to report that its as snappy as the first moment I turned it on.
Some have made a big deal out of the phone missing the ability to add memory or include a removable battery, and this is either going to be a deal-breaker for some or it won't. While I'm still a bit surprised at the amount of battery consumption for what Samsung claimed was especially optimized to give users as good if not better battery performance as the Note 4--that simply hasn't turned out to be the case. My original Note 1 I personally believe had seriously better battery life. Say what you want, but after nearly 4 years, I expect MORE life, not less out of a flagship device such as this. But with that all aside, iPhones have proven that you don't need a removable battery in order to get through the day. If you're going to go to the trouble of buying a separate battery for some devices, why not just get a couple of decent portable charger/batteries (which cost much less, btw). This way you won't have to power down your device to swap out, and you'll have all the power you need. With the cloud based services available these days, some argue the need for additional memory is moot--but I submit that no matter how convenient that might be, it certainly isn't faster to have to link up to a cloud-based storage location to find a photo, or song then it is when you have it ON your phone already. Plus, what happens if you are in an area with spotty to no service, what then? Too many variables. I just don't see why they couldn't add another drawer on the side or top similarly to where you place the SIM card where you could also add an expansion card. That's my .02. I really think that if Samsung wants to lure a lot of those who stayed away from these new devices simply for those reasons to consider some kind of workaround on the next model if they want to get back to being the market leader like they were a couple years back. Come on, nobody can tell me it can't be done rather simply given what they did to redesign these phones in the first place.
Oh yeah, if you so desire, you can actually use your phone as an actual PHONE, which is tremendously convenient to be honest. The ear speaker works great, sounds great and the call quality I found to be good to excellent. The loud speaker was fantastic, but at higher volume sounded a bit scratchy--but that's to be expected from such a smaller speaker no matter what anyone says. Sure, the iPhone's might be clearer at higher volume, which IS a strong selling point if I'm being honest, but I don't use my speaker for anything other than phone conversations, so if you plan on using yours to listen to music, I would strongly reconsider. These phones really shouldn't replace an actual stereo speaker to listen to music on. Your experience may vary however.
I think that basically covers it all. I'm sure over the next few weeks I'll come up with a few additional things that will pop into my mind to share, and if they are worthy of note, I'll come and add them on an as needed basis. Otherwise, my summary is this: is the phone perfect? No. Is it great? Absolutely. I love it MUCH more than the G3, which I also loved. If you happen to be an apple fan, stick with what you know and love. Just because I prefer Android doesn't mean iPhone's don't perform admirably. I just prefer Android--issues and all--to what apple does...and their phones are by no means trouble free either. Both have strong points, both have weaknesses. It'll be a long time before a perfect phone comes along, so until then, I personally believe you cannot go wrong if you do your research and buy accordingly. Happy computing!

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Samsung Galaxy J7 User Reviews

Samsung Galaxy J7
I bought J7 in November and till now It is working smoothly. All its features are great and handy. The display and themes are awesome. Talking about performance, it is good but sometime the phone automatically restarts without any reason, sometimes even when the phone is ideal it restarts. I think it a good phone in this price range. The front and back cameras with flash are awesome. The picture quality is too good. It charges fast but gets hot if we use it while charging.
The Samsung Galaxy J series has a powerful camera that always manages to capture brilliant shots, even in low light conditions. And with its Advance Modes, it gives you an enhanced imaging experience, every time. You can also choose from different image modes to make any occasion look picture perfect.
Key Features of Samsung Galaxy J7
  • Unlocked cell phones are compatible with GSM carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile as well as with GSM SIM cards (e.g. H20, Straight Talk, and select prepaid carriers). Unlocked cell phones will not work with CDMA Carriers like Sprint, Verizon, Boost or Virgin.
  • Dual-SIM 4G FDD LTE B1 (2100), B2 (1900), B3 (1800), B4 (AWS), B5 (850), B7 (2600), B17 (700), B28 (700)
  • Octa Core 1.5GHz, RAM 1.5GB, ROM 16GB
  • 5.5" Super AMOLED 720x1280(HD)
  • Front Camera 5MP with flash, Main Camera 13MP with Flash
The product is good. I'm satisfied with the phone the camera quality is good. But the speakers output is low. The ringing volume Is low. Even at home am unable to listen to a phone ring. And am experiencing problem with WiFi connectivity which is no stable. It gets disconnected every now and then which interrupts my downloads, live streaming. And also In the Menu the applications get rearranged automatically to A-z order even when i've arranged it manually. Can I get a replacement or a software upgrade for the concerned problems?
Overall, this phone suits the pocket of a normal Indian customer who expects maximum performance for something which suits his/her budget. And Samsung has picked up this nerve. No wonder they are leading smartphone provider, especially in India.
Value for money
Superb Display
Battery backup is excellent
Gaming experience is excellent Excellent speed (in spite of 1.5 GB RAM out of which hardly 400 to 500 MB remains free, all thanks to the fast octa-core processor) Awesome offer for Airtel customers - Free 4g Sim card with the phone
+ Double data for 6 months.
Cheap back cover - it is too thin and gives the feel of potato chips
Low speaker volume - Major turn off
Shop Samsung Galaxy J7 Cases for Samsung online, browse through our selection of Galaxy J7 Cases for Samsung at, Including Samsung Galaxy J7 Leather Cases Cartoon Cases Flip Covers, Screen Protectors and More Cell Phone Accessories and Cell Phone Cases.

Galaxy J7 S-View Cartoon Flip Cover Folio Case

Cartoon Printing series - Samsung Galaxy J7 S-View Flip Cover Folio Case
The perfect combination of style and durability
The Samsung Galaxy J7 S-View Flip Cover was developed with the user's lifestyle in mind. This case, designed to protect the Galaxy J7 Smartphone without adding bulk, is the perfect combination of style, durability and convenience. Take it to the gym, on a hike, to the grocery store or an evening out on the town. This case is constructed to withstand even the most active lifestyle while allowing the user to display their sense of fashion. Plus you will never miss important information with the S-View window. Many smartphone cases make you choose between protection, fashion and function. With the new S-View Flip Cover for Galaxy J7 you can have it all!
Samsung Galaxy J7 Cases

All around protection without limiting access
The Samsung S-View Flip Cover Folio Case provides superior protection for the Samsung Galaxy J7 smartphone. The flip cover with window display protects the smartphone's screen when it is not in use and is easily flipped open for full access to the screen. When closed, the S-View cover allows you to easily view key indicators, time, date, music play list, alarm, missed calls, new messages, etc. without flipping open the cover. You can even receive and reject calls without opening the flip cover.
A color to match every taste
The Samsung Galaxy J7 S-View Flip Cover is available in a variety of colors so there is certain to be a color to match anyone's personality. Even the most fashion-sensitive smartphone user will find a case or two that matches their personal style.
Easy installation
Additionally, these cases have been specifically designed for the Samsung Galaxy J7 smartphone. The back easily snaps on, replacing the phone's standard battery cover, without making the phone bulky. Installing a Samsung phone case is simple and only takes a few seconds.
  • Enhanced protection for the Samsung Galaxy J7
  • Front cover folds over for easy access to the phone's screen
  • Back cover replaces the phone's back, maintaining the Samsung Galaxy's sleek design
  • Hard plastic shell guards against scratches and bumps
  • Soft felt liner protects against smudges and dirt
  • Auto Wake Function
  • Compatible with Multimedia Dock & Vehicle Dock
  • Available in multiple colors
I bought this case from Best buy for $60 when I bought my S4. First off, it's a great case, just not for me. I loved being able to answer or decline calls through the window and also to quickly check for messages or see my battery level. But, as time with the case went on, thats where my likes ended. The case makes doing things one handed virtually impossible. You pretty much have to use both hands to open the phone, wrap the cover around to the back and then you are free to use one hand. The same goes for closing. My second issue is the cover didn't stay closed very well. After being wrapped around to the back it would take a while before it would close completely (this issue may diminish with time). Thirdly, the case when folded back will block the camera. So to take a picture you need to move the flap out of the way first and then proceed. Since I have 2 kids (ages 1 and 3) I really want/need quick camera access since you never know when a good picture will come up. Lastly, when talking on the phone through the cover, I found the material will stick to my face on a hot day in arizona whereas the screen normally wouldn't. Good product for most but if any of these issues would bother you, you may want to look elsewhere. Since I think a magnetic closure or something would have made this case stay closed better, I have rated it a 4 out of 5 stars. Every other issue was just personal preference and therefore wont count against them in this review.
Attractive seamless fit
Window in cover allows for quick access
Adds little bulk/weight to phone
Protects screen

The Cartoon Printing Series Flip Cover for for Samsung Galaxy J7 is available at Order today and we guarantee to ship your order out tomorrow. Brought to you by the leader in wholesale cell phone accessories - Cell Phone Cases,

Monday, January 11, 2016

Baofeng UV-5R Two-Way Radio Review

Baofeng UV-5R Two-Way Radio

It's a radio that's great to take with you in places you might not want to take your $250.00 radio. Places like into the inner city, the beach, white water rafting, or Mars. It will melt on Mars, that might make a good video.
The BaoFeng UV-5R is a compact hand held transceiver providing 4 watts in the frequency range of 136-174 MHz and 400-480 MHz. It is a compact, economical HT that includes a special VHF receive band from 65 - 108 MHz which includes the regular FM broadcast band. Dual watch and dual reception is supported. You get up to 128 memories. Other features include: selectable wide/narrow, battery save function, VOX, DCS/CTCSS encode, key lock and built in flashlight. Selectable frequency steps include: 2.5, 5, 6.25, 10, 12.5 and 25 kHz. RF power may be selected at 4 or 1 watts. This radio comes with an SMA-Female antenna, flexible antenna, BL-5 Li-ion battery (7.4V 1500 mAh), belt clip, wrist strap, AC adapter (8.4V 600ma) and drop-in charging tray. This radio requires the PC03 FTDI programming cable.
  • Foscam Digital Tech is the authorized US Baofeng exclusive distributor of the U-5R V2+. US based warranty service for this listing is exclusively provided by Foscam Digital Tech out of our office in Houston, TX, (no shipping to China).
  • Frequency Range: 136-174 / 400-479.995 MHz. Metallic upgraded, durable housing. English user manual included.
  • Upgraded 2014 Bright & easy to read two-color LED display.
  • Compatible with UV-5R 3800mah and 3600mah Extended Batteries.
  • More enhanced construction and features than previous UV-5R and UV-5RA. Helpful programming guides available at
The price of these radios combined with the sold feel and capability make this a solid 5 star radio. If the cost was 70-100$ I would put the money down on Yaesu or similar brand, but when I can buy almost 10 to 1 it is an easy decision. T
The radio has a quality and durable feel to it without being too heavy, says solidly on my dash with a small strip of velcro. I was surprised at the small size of the radio at first, not in a bad way, just thought it would be larger. It can fit on the shoulder strap of a backpack without being too heavy or large that it gets in the way.
Using CHIRP to program the radios was easy and within an hour or two of getting the radios I felt very comfortable using it and had no need of referencing the manual or any YouTube videos. Using the radio day to day is easy and with the decent memory size I don't have to change much to use it in areas around the state. The battery has been great, a few days of lot of listening and occasional TX and there will still be some life left.
The radio does receive regular FM radio stations and I use it more than I expected. It receives much better than my car radio although there is a lot of overlap making certain stations unintelligible if there is another nearby using the same freq. While it is in FM Radio mode, you still RX on your selected station
So far, for the price, I can't complain. BUT IT's NOT A $250.00 radio either. To go with this, I ordered a Genuine Nagoya NA-771 SMA Female Antenna and a Baofeng 3800mAH battery (for those places I go where chargers are far and few between).
It has an easy to read display that lights up, a keypad that also lights when programming or TX/RXing. An A or B Channel Selection, a small LED flashlight, 127 Channel Memory, High/Low power output, Scan, a FM Radio, and Extended Frequencies. It comes preset with what I would call commercial frequencies, those set aside by the FCC for business use.
So, with that in mind, it's not a TOY either. It's a Chinese HAM radio that just happens to give you frequency choices that you might not legally be able to broadcast on…with wattage you can't really control!!! You should know the FCC rules if you have a license. Power output is either High or Low. High measures around 4 watts and Low measures around 1 watt. This much power on some channels may not be acceptable. Now that you have been warned…
You can program FMRS/MURS, Marine, Weather and everything in-between. The included Baofeng programming software is not much. I downloaded CHIRP and am pleased with my results. It makes light work instead of having to go through all the menu items on the radio. CHIRP is open source, so it's free. Yes, there are Hacks out there to extend your range, but I just wouldn't go there if I were you. Not worth the expense the FCC will want to impose on you, or the vacation time you will have to take.
What the Baofeng UV-5R Radio doesn't have are the multiple banks of memory or cool duplexing that you see in the higher priced radios. The radio is Dual Band, but not true Dual Band. You can listen to only one channel at a time, Channel A or Channel B. Either A, or B, but not both. It does scan, but it only scans one channel at a time. It will scan Channel A or Channel B, but not both. There are some slight programming variations to allow you a preferred TX channel, but that's as sophisticated as it gets. No bells, it does have a whistle. More like a siren actually. A Woo-wooo-wooo siren.
It's got a plastic case and is not waterproof. There is no built-in GPS, APRS, mapping software or inflatable life rafts either. It also does not make coffee. It's a $35.00 radio, okay?
I like the price. I like the fact that if you are a new HAM Technician, you will love the the price to get into the HAM radio community quickly. This is something that would store well in case of emergencies. I like it because you can get two or three of these for the price of a higher priced radio. It's cool for the price! And if this one busted, I would get another one.
This Baofeng UV-5R Handset comes with 12 months warranty. Brought to you by the leader in electronic devices as well as Cheap Two-way Radios,

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ Cartoon S-View Flip Cover

Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ Cartoon Printing Series S-View Flip Cover Folio Case
Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+  Cartoon Printing Series S-View Flip Cover
Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ Cases

This is a beautiful and classy Galaxy S6 edge+ Case, Flip Leather Case Cover [Cartoon Series] with Magnetic Closure [ Sleek & Stylish], Soft Folio Leather Case [1 Card Slot] for Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+. The Leather Case is not only a good protection to your device, but also a decoration to strut your style and stand out from the masses. Considering about both of them, you can rest assured to choose our case brand. We focus on refinement and attention-to-detail in every aspect of our products.
  • Flip Cover with smart, interactive window provides quick access to key phone features and ability to respond to incoming calls and alarms without opening the cover
  • Swipe to preview expandable Messages/Missed Calls, Access Quick Camera and Video Recorder, Access Favorite Contacts, or Access Settings and App Notifications
  • New cradle design allows for easy, snap-on installation and adds hard plastic protection to the corners of your device
  • Available in multiple attractive patterns
  • New notification bar that allows you to access more than just missed call and text notifications
Ok a little background on my experience. I had a Galaxy S5 for over a year, I had the wireless charging S-View Cover for it from day one, I loved the features of the S-View cover I had on my Galaxy S5 so the logical choice after I purchased the Galaxy S6 Edge+ was to find a cover for it ASAP, After a few minutes I happened upon the S-View cover, I was excited to say the least because I loved my previous one, however it was not yet available for sale, (8/31/15 Release date), so today I jumped from my bed and headed to my local retailer (Verizon) only to be disappointed at their lack of availability, So, crushed I left the store and headed back to the car, fired it up and started I pulled away I noticed the AT&T store Ad in the window for the S6 Edge+, so I thought what the heck....Maybe, Just Maybe they have one, I was not disappointed, I dropped my $50 slipped my S6 edge into its comfy new home and Walked out a happy man, the construction is great quality, Love the Color( Black Sapphire), phone fits snuggly into the case, The case cover is curved like the edges of the phone, the S-Window view is the same familiar interface as for the S-5 with a few minor changes, swiping on the phone Icon now opens up your favorite contacts and displays them neatly on the screen, swiping the Camera Icon opens the camera app, it has auto sleep and auto wake function as expected, you will not be disappointed if you purchase this cover, I promise!!
The build quality of this case is phenomenal. It really compliments the build quality of the phone. With the opening it does allow you to use the back camera when the case is folded back. I also have a screen protector installed and this case doesn't get into the way of that.
Overall, I'm satisfied with this smartphone case and have already ordered a similar one for my wife's S6.
The Cartoon Printing Series Flip Cover for for Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ is available at Order today and we guarantee to ship your order out tomorrow. Brought to you by the leader in wholesale cell phone accessories - Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ Cases,

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Best Galaxy Note 5 Case

Galaxy Note 5 Case, Flip Leather Case Cover [Luxury Series] [Genuine Leather] with Magnetic Closure [ Sleek & Stylish], Soft Folio Leather Case [1 Card Slot] for Samsung Galaxy Note 5
  • Made of high quality first layer leather, shows high ability in toughness and permeability, abrasion resistance. Sleek & Classy, All leather & no plastic snap-ins. Good texture of outer layer, soft flannel lining, scratch resistant & shock resistant.
  • Plus 1 Card Slot to conveniently store ID or Credit Card. Answer your phone without opening the case with accurately front speaker hole.
  • Flip-style opening, easy operation and offering full front screen protection. Precise cut and design, easy access to all buttons , ports, sensors, speakers & camera.
  • Quick and simple snap-on shell installation with secure magnetic closure.
  • Compatible with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 only.
Best Galaxy Note 5 Case
The Leather Case is not only a good protection to your device, but also a decoration to strut your style and stand out from the masses. Considering about both of them, you can rest assured to choose our case brand. We focus on refinement and attention-to-detail in every aspect of our products.
This case cover is well-made and fits the Note 5 like a glove. There is no blockage of the ports, camera, microphone, speaker when the case is open. The magnetic closure is just strong enough to keep the case closed in normal use, but it could open up if dropped. The protection is there, but the price of that is having to open the case for use. With the case opened, it is rather awkward to handle the camera - since just wrapping the door around to the back would then block it. This is a drawback of any such full closure protective case, but it is something that is worth it if you really want pocket and drop protection for the screen. The card slot is really not too useful since inserting anything but the thinnest card into it could interfere with the magnet holding the door closed.
My new phone case arrived on time, this is one of the best phone cases I've ever seen. I usually use an Otter Box when I'm on the job sight so my phone doesn't get damaged I was looking for something Classy that I can pop my phone in my jacket pocket and not worry about it being damaged. People this case is made of top quality leather, you're phone will fit perfectly in this case. It had a SOLID base that you're phone slips into holds fermly un like my Otter Box this case shows off the whole face of your phone. The magnetic flap or lid stays closed beautifully. The stitching on the whole case is top notch quality.
Overall, I'm satisfied with this smartphone case and have already ordered a similar one for my wife's iPhone.
The iCarer Leather Case for for Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is available at Order today and we guarantee to ship your order out tomorrow. Brought to you by the leader in cheap cell phone accessories.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Baofeng BF-888S Two Way Radio Review

Baofeng BF-888S Two-Way Radio
The BaoFeng BF-888S is a compact hand held transceiver providing 2 watts in the frequency range of 400-480 MHz. You get up to 16 selectable memories (user-programmable). Other features include: selectable wide/narrow band, battery save function, VOX, DCS/CTCSS encode, and a built in flashlight.
This radio requires the PC03 FTDI programming cable to program Channels and Frequencies.
I bought these for the marine industry. There are so much chatter while moving around in port that we wanted something everyone else didn't have to work on. These seemed to be the answer.
I'll start with the products construction. It feels cheap but nothing has broke the 1st week of use. For $20 a unit though who cares when the other are $100 and only last a year in this environment.
I think it is actually better then the expensive one we use, may be that chatter is eliminated so I can hear my deck crew better though. The ear piece is a heck of a lot better than I expected after reading the reviews. I didn't have a problem at all understanding the other person, never did anyone else. Crew likes them better then the old ones.
To program what freq. to use was easy. Be advised though, as stated, it doesn't use windows 8. Lucky a guy on the boat had windows7 and programing was done in a matter of minutes once we decided which freqs we were going to use.
Freq usage
This has been a touchy subject so I did a lot of research due to my work area. We have Helo ports around us along with USCG and various other agencies. All these things have certain freqs they work on so I looked up and used the business freqs and there are more than plenty to cover the 16 channels you can program into the radio. I just used 7 freqs (7 set on low power and the same 7 set on high power.) Also this radio works great for me because it will do VHF also. I can program the working VHF freq we use into the radio right along with the UHF freqs eliminated the use for two radios. If I need to tell the deck crew something I can tell them to switch to channel 8 and the client can't hear what we are saying. The old way was to call them on the VHF and tell them to call me on the house phone. It just keeps ships business personal.
VOX function
This is a great tool if in security and such but was non functional for my use. The mic is very sensitive even set on the highest level. The boat makes a lot of noise when docking due to all the screws and thrusters working and the mike would pick it up and constantly stay keyed. It works great, just not for what I use the radio for.
CTCSS/DSC function
Again not for me. It works and works as intended. I tested this by programing two radios with it and one without. The two radios that had it did not pick up the transmission from the one without. The one without could hear the two with it, just as designed. THE BIG PROBLEM is if the one was transmitting the other two didn't know because they couldn't hear the transmission. If they tried to report something the radio would not transmit because someone was using the freq. at the same time. I immediately decided to do away with this function. Moving a 300' boat in close quarters I need to hear my deck guys.
Busy Channel Lockout
This may fix the above problem but I didn't look into it. Have not heard any traffic on the freqs we are using so no big deal with interference.
Scan function
Didn't use but I'm sure it works as intended. Everything else has.
Scramble function
Tried to use it but couldn't get it to work. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Again no big deal for what I intend to use the radios for so didn't spend much time on it. If for security I may have spent more time on it.

Microphone on headset
This thing is very sensitive and works great and is very clear. Tested it out at least 1 foot from my mouth and was told it was crystal clear from the other person. Very impressed with the cheap looking earpiece/Mic combo. As a matter of fact I ordered 10 more, one for each crew member, so everyone doesn't have to share earpieces.
Well that is not a factor for me once it only needs to go 300' BUT, I did test it out inside the steel hull of the boat. Good thing is I was able to talk to the Engine Room from the bridge. Pretty impressive once the signal is getting though 4 decks of steel. The radios didn't like the actual engine room where the engines were but worked fine in the Control room. My guess is the engines are putting off a freq that the radios didn't like.
Belt clip
Again will see in time but the clip felt strong.

Not very clear on the programing but can be figured out pretty quick. I just played with it and clicked all the buttons. That's when I found the VHF freqs.
The Baofeng BF-888S Two-Way Radio come with a 12 months warranty. Brought to you by the leader in electronic devices as well as wholesale Walkie Talkies,
Great radios for the price. Better build quality than I was expecting. After cycling the batteries a couple of times.I lent a pair to one of our survey crews. I told them not to baby them, I wanted a real world test. They listened. They are jamming the clips (clips are screwed the radio body) over thick belts. Each time they have brought me the radios to charge (charges have been lasting about 3 work days) they are carrying them by the antennas. The radios have been in the woods, on construction sites, and bounced around in the back of the pickup. The volume and clearity have worked in all situations. Have not dropped one in a creek yet. I am really impressed with this radios. At the price I got them, they are 12-15% the cost of the Motorolas I have purchased in the past. I took a pair on a family camping trip and got a range of about 3/4 of a mile, more than I expected. I highly recommend these units.